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Reflections Program

Mon, 09/21/2015 - 7:29pm

The Reflections program, sponsored by National PTA, empowers students to receive positive recognition through the annual artistic contest with competitions at the local, state and national levels. AHS PTSA encourages students to create and submit works of art in six categories: dance, choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photograph and visual arts (which include art forms such as drawing, painting, print making and art collage).

All forms available on the AHS PTSA website: Click on the tab “PTSA Programs” and go to Reflections. Rules/forms are also available to download from the Maryland PTSA website:

Please drop off completed “Student Entry Form” with entries to the attention of the PTSA Reflections Committee in the front office no later than November 13, 2015. Please contact Monika Punjabi PTSA Reflections Chair if you have any questions.