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UPDATE: Class of 2025 Senior Photo News: Legacy Studios Senior Portrait Sittings

Mon, 03/06/2023 - 8:55am

9/10/24 UPDATE: Senior Picture Day. Friday, October 18, 2024 8 am-2 om in the Wrestling Room

Great news Class of 2025-- Atholton HS has a new photography vendor (Legacy Studios) and we are pleased to announce our first round of senior portrait sessions will be after school on June 12th, 13th, and 14th. The senior portrait scheduling page is now active and open for you to select your June appointment dates and times.  The link to schedule appointments is below.

Once these dates fill up, Legacy Studios will open the next set of dates. Or, if they don’t fill, they will open the next set of dates shortly after these have passed. The additional dates we have scheduled (and will be open for sign up as the dates approach) are: Monday July 29th Tuesday July 30th Monday August 19th Tuesday August 20th Friday October 18th (No school for students).