Hybrid Orientation for 9th Graders
A Hybrid Orientation was held on Wednesday, March 25 for parents of 9th graders. This presentation was shared with those who attended.
Changing from Virtual to Hybrid or Hybrid to Virtual?
The selection process to return to in-person instruction has officially ended. We are now in the process of reviewing all of the data to determine how many of our students have elected to return to a hybrid model and how many have elected to remain in a fully virtual model. As we prepare for the safe return of students, we will use the data to determine how many students we can accommodate and make any necessary adjustments in our classroom and cafeteria set-up. For this and other logistical reasons, we cannot accommodate any changes that add to our in-person learning model. If for some reason you would like to move from the fully virtual model to the in-person hybrid model, you will need to go on a waitlist. We need to determine if we will be able to accommodate additional students in the building. You may access the waitlist here: Atholton High School Hybrid Learning Waitlist.
Bell & Lunch Schedules as of March 1
The bell schedule is available which includes lunches at the bottom of the chart: Schedule
Orientation for Group E (Everyday) Students
This presentation was shared prior to the start of the Hybrid schedule for students who attend school each day: Group E Presentation - Feb. 25, 2021
Group A or Group B Hybrid Students
Determine if your child(ren) are in Group A or B
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