Academic Integrity Policy

Atholton High School is a place where learning and knowledge are based on the core values of respect, excellence, accountability, consideration, and honesty. We hold our students to the highest standards of performance and integrity and expect each student and staff member to maintain those standards and strive for continuous improvement. We expect Atholton students to take responsibility for their actions and thus maintain academic honesty and a positive learning environment.

Types of Violations:

Cheating: Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise.

Facilitation: Helping or attempting to help another student violate any provision of the Academic Integrity Policy.

Falsification: Making up information/data or a citation in any academic exercise.

Plagiarism: Representing the words or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic exercise.

* Please refer to the Atholton High School Academic Integrity Policy for level infractions and consequences.