Student Parking Permit Policy 2024-2025

Atholton High Student Parking Regulations and Permit Information

Parking is limited at Atholton. Accordingly, student parking is offered only to seniors and juniors on a first come first served basis. 9th and 10th grade students are NOT eligible to receive a parking permit. Parking is considered a privilege, not a right at Atholton High School. Students must also comply with all school rules related to driving and parking on school property in order to retain this privilege.

A completed Atholton High School Parking Permit Application must be submitted to the front office (NOT electronically) in order to obtain a parking permit.

· Make, model and license plate number of the vehicle MUST be on the application. The permit will not be issued without this information.

· Include a copy of the student’s valid Maryland Driver’s License. Learners Permits are not accepted.

· Cash (exact change) or Check for $15.00 made payable to Atholton High School

Atholton students who have outstanding financial obligations must clear the obligation before they are eligible to receive a parking permit.

Students may have their permit REVOKED WITHOUT REFUND for violations of rules including (but not limited to) excessive lateness, reckless driving, possession of illegal substances, leaving school grounds without permission.

Permits must be displayed from the rear-view mirror (or dash) at all times. Failure to do this may result in loss of parking privilege.

Students must park in a designated space in either the ‘Junior’ or ‘Senior’ parking lots. Students many NOT park in staff parking areas.

Students needing to go to their vehicle during the school day must obtain permission form a school administrator.

Permits are limited and are NOT guaranteed due to the limited number of parking spots.

Sharing, trading, altering, selling of permits is not allowed and will result in the revocation of the permit. A lost permit will require a $15 fee for replacement.