As we get closer to the start of the school year, we wanted to provide you with some information about our schedule change process for the upcoming 22/23 school year. Please note that we cannot guarantee we will be able to fulfill schedule change requests after the start of the school year. Summer is the best time to request a schedule change. Please contact your counselor to request a schedule change as soon as possible if you have changed your mind about a course you’ve requested.
The courses you are registered for will be available for you to view in Synergy through HCPSS Connect on August 12th.
Starting on the first day of school, the following timeline will be used to prioritize access to courses for graduation requirements, balanced class sizes, and instructional needs. Schedule Change Process on or after the first day of school:
Phase I – August 29 through September 2 :
• Hole in schedule
• Wrong course was scheduled
• Aiding and release time
Phase II – September 6 through September 16
• All phase I reasons
• Elective changes
• Students may only have one round of electives changes (1 form)
• Level changes
• Aiding and release time
Phase III – September 19 through September 23
• All phase I reasons
• Level changes
• Aiding and release time (can only be made during the same period as the dropped course)
Please note that schedule changes will not be made for the following reasons:
• Teacher preference
• Period preference
• To be in classes with friends
Student Services Team and Assigned Caseload:
Direct Phone Number- 410-313-7068
A-C Phil Cohen
D-Hn Dana Meledick
Ho-Md Lisa Clearfield
Me-Sb Erin O’Connor Rudman
Sc-Z Kelly Warner