AP EXAMS- Let's Get Ready!!

4/23/21 - AP Exam Updates

Important Information about In-Person/Paper AP Exams

AP Exam Payments:

The deadline for payment for AP exams was Friday, 4/16. If you have not yet paid but would still like to take your exams, please contact your AP Coordinators asap to arrange payment (Nina_Dix@hcpss.org or Deborah_Sauers@hcpss.org).

AP In-Person Exams:

Students who are planning to take AP exams in person should begin preparing by familiarizing themselves with the dates and times of their exams and the specific rules and procedures that will be in place before, during and after their exams. You can find all the important information here for in-person testing.

AP Digital Exam Information:

HCPSS has prepared a Chromebook-specific instruction sheet for accessing the digital testing app. HCPSS recommends that students use the HCPSS issued Chromebooks for taking their exams digitally. Students planning to take any of their AP exams digitally at home should read and perform the instructions as soon as possible. Please read the 4 steps to set up for your exams. *****https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/about-ap-2021/updates/four-steps-before-digital-test***** Once you have set up for each of your exams, you cannot swap devices.

Students that do not currently have an HCPSS-issued Chromebook but would like to have one to take the exams, can pick one up in the media center if they are attending school in person. Virtual students must email Adrienne Nasir (adrienne_nasir@hcpss.org) or Jamie Melcher (jamie_melcher@hcpss.org) to arrange to pick up a device.

Personal Windows or Mac Device - Install

The HCPSS recommends using your HCPSS issued Chromebook for testing. If you want to use your personal Windows or Mac computer, you will be responsible for manually installing the application and supporting any installation issues that may occur. Mobile devices (including iPads) and personal Chromebooks do not work with the 2021 AP Digital Testing App.

Visit https://download.app.collegeboard.org/ if you want to install the application on your personal computer.

AP Live Reviews!

ALL AP Students can take advantage of College Board's Live Reviews offered via YouTube starting April 19th! You can find the information, programming dates and times here.