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Final Exam Survival Kit
How do you de-STRESS a Raider during Final Exams?
Order A Final Exam Survival Kit!
It’s not too early to be thinking about Final Exams...Take the Drama out of Exam Week. Combat Spring Fever & ensure focused studying with a Final Exam Survival Kit!
Final Exam Survival Kits are a Raider tradition that provides support to your student as they persevere to finish the academic year! Plus, they’re a great way to keep students energized for exam preparation.
Survival Kits can be purchased by parents, students, or for teachers and include hydration, sweet & savory snacks, a stress buster & study tips … all essential tools for exam prep!
Available for $10.00 via check or $10.50 on PayPal. Link for online PayPal: Final Exam Survival Kit Order
Deadline to place orders is Monday, June 3, 2019.
If the link does not work, please try pasting URL into your browser: OR...send the attached order form and a $10 check** payable to “Atholton Drama Boosters” to the front office. ** If you send in a check, please be sure to include your student’s name and a personalized note for the recipient. It will be transcribed and included in the Kit.
Moms/Dads: Don't forget to include the personalized note to encourage your scholar! Questions? Email Pam Axler:
Thank you for supporting this important AHS Drama Boosters fundraiser!